About Us

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower Canadians with the knowledge and resources needed to make satisfactory, informed decisions about their debt relief options. We aim to provide easily accessible online information about legitimate debt relief options to Canadians of all socioeconomic levels, and to steer those seeking help with their debt away from illegitimate, unlawful and/or dishonest debt solution providers.

Who We Are

DebtAnswers Canada is an unbiased, independent company that does not represent any one specific debt relief company or debt solution. We spend countless hours conducting research to provide you with up-to-date, accurate and concise information that will help you better understand your available options for debt relief. We believe that there are ethical companies in Canada that provide practical debt solutions, while treating clients with the respect and dignity that they deserve.

Our goal is to help you to make wise decisions about who to trust when seeking help with your debt, while guiding you away from gimmicks, false advertising and unethical debt solution companies.

Why We're Different

At DebtAnswers Canada, we understand that while resolving your debt can be exciting, seeking help for it can be scary and intimidating. This is why DebtAnswers Canada has created the DebtAnswers Solution Finder, a tool to guide you to the most suitable options for resolving your debt.

Answers will be provided to you immediately WITHOUT asking for your personal identification or contact information, getting you in control of your debt faster. We believe that consumers have the right to learn more about their debt relief options from the comfort of their own devices before providing their personal contact information, and without spending hours sorting through pages of overwhelming data. Upon review of your answers, you decide if you would like to do further research into your possibilities, or get in touch with a professional debt relief specialist to discuss how you can become debt-free!

How We Work

Our sophisticated DebtAnswers Solution Finder will ask you for the information needed to analyze your unique situation and to determine what type of help is available to you. Upon completion, you will be presented with your options for resolving your debt. You may then request to have a professional debt relief specialist contact you for a free consultation if applicable.

We take great pride in referring you only to the debt solution providers who we feel are the most ethical, well-informed and trustworthy in the industry. All debt solution companies we refer you to will offer free consultations, and you will not be obligated to use any of their services. We feel confident that you will love the debt solutions providers we recommend. However, if you want to ensure a good fit, it never hurts to also read the online reviews of a debt solution company that you are considering before signing any agreements.